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15th World Congress on Public Health
3-7 April 2017, Melbourne, Australia
We are planning a Festival of Public Health during the Congress to engage researchers, practitioners, academics, administrators, policy makers, industry representatives, students and stakeholders involved in public health from all over the globe. It is our desire that they will share and enhance knowledge transfer about the latest advancements in public health, its challenges and opportunities, collaborations and advancements.

World Health Summit
8-9 May 2017, North America, Montreal
Since it was launched in 2009, the World Health Summit (WHS) has brought together stakeholders and decision-makers from every field in the healthcare spectrum, providing the perfect forum for exchange with experts from academia, industry, politics and civil society. Attracting about 1 600 participants and a wide range of stakeholder groups from all over the world, the event takes place annually in the German capital Berlin. The WHS enjoys the high patronage of the Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany, the President of the French Republic, and the President of the European Commission.

International Conference on Cancer in Africa - AORTIC 2017
7-10 November 2017, Kigali, Rwanda
The AORTIC International Conference on Cancer in Africa is a unique platform to learn and collaborate. The conference brings together multidisciplinary specialists from the global cancer community to reduce the impact of cancer in Africa.