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EHRN Workshops / Seminars

Dialogue on Integrated Local and Regional Scale Air Quality Modelling using the GAINS Model

On the 14 February 2014, a dialogue on Integrated Local and Regional Scale Air Quality Modelling using the GAINS (Greenhouse Gas and Air Pollution Interactions and Synergies) Model was held in Pretoria. The model provides a consistent framework for the analysis of co-benefits reduction strategies from air pollution and greenhouse gas sources. Several of the presentations given on the day are available here and the full dialogue report will be available soon.

EHRN Seminar 2011: Theory, environment and health by Prof Brendon Barnes

Theory plays a critical role in how interventions are conceptualised and implemented. Scientists and practitioners have a range of theoretical influences to assist them with planning the content of interventions and deciding on what level(s) interventions are pitched. Despite this, the role of theory has been poorly discussed in the environmental health literature in developing countries. This presentation reviewed the role of theory in environmental health intervention studies published between 2000-2010. Reviewed studies included, but were not limited to, water, sanitation and hygiene; malaria control and indoor air pollution. It is argued that while evidence of formal health promotion theory is limited, this does not mean that interventions are necessarily a-theoretical. The presentation, therefore, also focused on some of the underlying assumptions of interventions that may be important to consider when designing environmental health interventions in developing countries.

EHRN Workshop August 2009

The first virtual workshop of the EHRN was held in August 2009, where the need for a central networking website was identified. The next step will be to identify and start working on future priority research needs to address environmental health challenges facing South Africa.